Tips To Keep The Flu Away
Tips To Keep The Flu Away

Tips To Keep The Flu Away

Tips To Keep The Flu Away

Flu season is coming. I’ve seen the runny noses, heard a few coughs and heard of a few fevers. As an expectant mother with a toddler starting pre-school, I am very aware of the repercussions of our family catching the flu. Last year, my husband and my son both caught the flu – and hard. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I was away on a press trip when the deadly spell descended on our home, but I do know that a trip to the hospital was in order. That is hard to hear when you’re an ocean away and all you want to do is cuddle your boys and do everything you can to make them well. On the bright side, I was safe. Tips To Keep The Flu Away

This year, we’ve already started with precautions to keep the flu away. We have begun stocking up on key foods to help maintain our family’s overall and immune health. Some of these foods include:

  • Citrus Fruits: Not only are citrus fruits a good source of vitamin C, they’re naturally delicious. We also use frozen fruit, as they are just as nutritious and delicious in smoothies, or on top of yogurt or cereal. (Note: Always double check the label to make sure they do not come with added salt or sugar).
  • Beans and Legumes: Beans and legumes are an excellent source of protein and zinc.
  • Nuts and Seeds: A variety of nuts and seeds contain vitamin E, which is a dietary antioxidant that helps in the maintenance of good health. Tips To Keep The Flu Away
  • Probiotic foods: Probiotic foods like kefir or probiotic yogurt contain bacteria, which may control immune function. Eating foods that contain probiotics is preferred to taking probiotic supplements because we also get the other nutrients in the food, like protein and calcium.

In addition to eating right, here are some other ways that we are getting ourselves ready to fight flu season:

  • Sleep! Although this is hard with a toddler and in the third trimester of pregnancy, we do our best to nap when possible and get to bed early. Tips To Keep The Flu Away
  • Stay active: We like to stay physical, even if it is just a brisk walk or playing a favourite sport. Physical activity can help keep our immune systems going strong to fight off any viruses we may come in contact with.
  • Keep our hands clean: With all of our playgroups, group snack time and outdoor play, it can be easy to forget how many germs we spread and collect each day. Always wash your hands with soap and water for 15 seconds to help avoid spreading and picking up germs. Tips To Keep The Flu Away
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick: If you have a cold, don’t come over.
  • Get the flu shot: The flu shot is the best way to prevent the flu, and is available through in-store pharmacists at Loblaws stores across the country starting in the fall. According to The Family Centre for Family Medicine, depending on how well the vaccine is matched to this year’s common viruses, 70-90 per cent of flu cases can be averted through vaccination.

All of this anti-flu preparation is very important to us, especially with a new baby on the way. We need to be fit and healthy to ensure we give our newborn the best possible environment to come home to and the best care possible. The flu in infants can be deadly. Hopefully, we have covered our bases this year.

How do you keep your family healthy? Any tips I have missed? Tips To Keep The Flu Away

Tips To Keep The Flu Away

*Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Loblaws Companies Ltd.

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