Welcome to The Real People Of Travel, an engaging blog series sponsored by Allianz Global Assistance Canada on The Adventures of Natty P. This series will introduce you to the value and importance of travel insurance, while also introducing you to the people behind your favourite travel experiences, exciting articles and your destination inspiration. From the writers behind your favourite travel publications to the pilots who get you safely from home to paradise and back again, discover The Real People Of Travel right here. The Real People of Travel: Fidel Gastro’s Matt Basile
Matt Basile – Traveling Chef
Our second Real Person of Travel is Matt Basile, creator of the Toronto-based street-food brand, Fidel Gastro’s. What started off as a pop-up selling street-food in underground markets across the city, soon became the launch of Canada’s most recognizable food trucks. Soon after, the FG team launched Lisa Marie, a brick and mortar street-food restaurant with the heart of a popup locate in Toronto’s fashion district.
Matt was also the host of Travel +Escape’s: Rebel Without A kitchen now available on Netflix in 55 countries world wide, featured on the CBC documentary Chef in the City and The Food Network’s, Eat Street.
Matt and his partner Kyla also released their first cookbook published by Penguin Canada in October 2014 called Street Food Diaries. Matt’s new cookbook, Brunch Life, is launching September 11th in Canada and the U.S and will be available on Amazon and Indigo and Chapters locations across the country
The FG business philosophy is that food should be fun and that you have to be different to be memorable.

- Describe the moment you knew you wanted to be a Chef.
I was 25 and I saw people at the ad agency I was working for get laid off and they just felt lost. My gut said to be my own boss and food was my path.
- Does travelling inspire your cooking or does cooking inspire your travels?
Because I’m not a classically trained Chef so my continued education comes from travel because it allows me to experience what other cultures share.
- Which country’s food has surprised you?
[Not a country persay], I’d say my most influential travel destination has been South East Asia.
- Do you have a favourite city or country purely based on local cuisine?
Austin, Texas or Seattle, Washington.
- How many trips are work based and how many are play? Do they every cross over?
All my travel is crossover for the most part. I have moments to enjoy being away while on a work trip. And I always manage to do some research while on a personal trip.
- Do you try and learn a new skill or recipe wherever you go? What has been the most interesting so far?
I mainly look for flavour combinations over anything.
- How do you prepare for worst-case scenarios when traveling? For work? For pleasure?
I try my best to just go with the flow whenever I travel.

- Have you ever had a travel experience where you’ve needed to use travel insurance?
Luckily I’ve never had any situation that’s required it. That said, I would never travel without it especially to the U.S. The Real People of Travel: Fidel Gastro’s Matt Basile
*There are so many reasons why travel insurance makes sense. If you become sick or injured while travelling, your baggage gets lots or stolen, you need to cancel your trip before you leave (or your trip gets interrupted), you will be thankful that you are covered.
Should you slip and fall in another country (especially in the USA where medical care is privatized and notoriously very, very pricey), travel insurance will ensure that you receive the necessary medical care and if need be, get you home safe and sound as soon as possible.
Some countries won’t even allow you entry without travel insurance. Find out what types of travel insurance plans are available for your trip and what they cover here.
- What do you never travel without?
A notebook and a reading book.
- How often do your international food experiences inspire your menus here in Toronto? Can you provide an example?
Whenever I return from travel something from that trip makes an appearance eventually on my menu.

- What destination is high on your bucket list? Is there anywhere you have no desire to go? Why?
I’ve wanted to go to Argentina for a while now. I’m open to travel anywhere.
- Any travel tips that you’d like to share? Any specific to aspiring chefs?
Ask a lot of questions if you’re intrigued by ingredients etc. It’s important to know the how’s and why’s a culture experiences food the way they do.
- Where are you off to next?
I’ll be headed to Vancouver next! (For work)
Thanks Matt! Have a great trip!
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Check out their featured travel insurance plans designed for Canadian residents and Visitors to Canada, or browse their site to learn more about travel insurance and other available plan options provided by Allianz Global Assistance.
Disclaimer: I am a brand ambassador for Allianz Global Assistance (Canada) and receive financial compensation. Interviewees are not affiliated with Allianz Global Assistance.
The Real People of Travel: Fidel Gastro’s Matt Basile