Snuggle Bugz, Sleep & the Mobile
I first heard of Snuggle Bugz when a friend registered for her baby shower there a few years ago. I was surprised at the length of time I spent perusing the website for baby gear despite the fact that I was not expecting or even expecting to be expecting. I felt like the inventory had been curated specifically for tiny trendsetters and parents who wanted to carry their sense of fashion and style into motherhood. It provided a sense of exclusivity, a ‘baby boutique’ if you will, covering everything from pregnancy to newborn and baby to toddler. I loved it. Snuggle Bugz, Sleep & the Mobile
Fast forward three years and I was creating my own baby shower registry. It wasn’t long after confirming that yes, I was pregnant, that I began to pick my favourite pieces from the online Snuggle Bugz store and adding them to a private registry (I didn’t want anyone else to know that I had already started my wish list). When it came to choosing things like a stroller and car seat (we have a beautiful Bugaboo and comfy Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35), my husband and I knew that we needed to talk to someone about the many, many options available. Snuggle Bugz, Sleep & the Mobile
Luckily, last year, Snuggle Bugz opened their Stockyards store, which for us, was the most accessible of their eight Canadian stores. The staff was so helpful. They let us try on carriers, push strollers around and ask 101 inane questions about car seats, travel systems and more. They told us about the expert lead Twitter parties that Snuggle Bugz hosts, their educational webinars and even the in-store car seat fitting events. We left feeling informed, supported and ready to tackle parenting while hopefully looking good at the same time. Snuggle Bugz, Sleep & the Mobile
And yes, I know I am now working with this brand but there is a reason that I have partnered with Snuggle Bugz over other baby stores. Aside from their trend setting baby products and ahead of the curve gear, I truly feel that they have a unique and inspired way of operating that fits into my lifestyle and that of the urban mom.
Once a month we will explore a parenting conundrum and Snuggle Bugz always has a solution to help us cope.
This month: sleep and the mobile.
As a new mother, my child’s sleep habits and preferences both baffle and elude me- I can’t seem to figure it out. Just when I think I have cracked a code, something changes and come 3am, I am rocking a crying baby and trying to figure out where I went wrong. One thing that has remained consistent is the need for white noise, a lullaby and/or a nightlight with some sort of projected image. We have noticed that our little boy is calmed by music, the sounds of the ocean and will stare at a mobile or projection for ages. The only issue was finding a device that incorporated all of these elements without creepy images or annoying sounds. Cue the Jonathon Adler Fisher Price projection mobile.

Let me back up: Jonathan Adler is a potter, designer and author who was recently named Fisher Price’s Creative Director – He designed a collection of sleek, premium and gender-neutral baby products. The collection so far consists of a Deluxe Bouncer, Sensory Gym, Deluxe High Chair and Projection Mobile. His thought behind this trendy collection was that “You end up living with your kids’ stuff all over your house — like it or not. It’s become decor — it should just be chicer,” If it’s chic and sleek, it is only makes sense that Snuggle Bugz would carry it, so they sent me the projection mobile to see if it would help calm our little man at bed time.
The Projection Mobile is a 2-in-1 full colour projection motorized crib mobile. Three plush jungle animals with high contrast black & white bellies hang over our baby’s head while the images project in the middle (and conveniently match the theme of his nursery- hooray!). The mobile plays up to 30 minutes of calming lullabies or white noise and we use both, starting with the former. There is also a softly glowing amber nightlight and the mobile arm removes to project images on the ceiling. My favourite part is perhaps the remote control. I can start and stop the mobile remotely at the press of a button by just sticking my arm into the nursery and not disrupting the whole sleep process by entering the room.
The first time we put the baby underneath the mobile he instantly stopped fussing and watched with an open mouth. It was one of his first times out of his bassinet and in his crib so I was nervous that he wouldn’t calm at all. We put up a black out curtain, pressed start on the mobile and prayed. Thankfully, the mobile kept him calm and eventually he dozed off peacefully. It’s now a staple of our nap time routine although we have yet to tackle full nights in the nursery- I’m not emotionally ready.
While I haven’t quite deciphered the baby’s sleep formula, the mobile has certainly helped us get to three successful naps a day. Our next step will be night time sleep training, an all-consuming process we will attempt next month. Can we really get this little man to sleep all through the night? Will I sleep more than two consecutive hours again? Who knows. It should be an adventure.
Next month on The Adventures of Natty P we talk about Snuggle Bugz and baby travel.
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