I always recommend traveling with a travel stroller as opposed to a stroller system. A travel stroller should be light, agile and easy to close. Not only will it help you navigate the airport with ease, you will be able to sail through security and customs in the ‘Family Only’ lines. I’ve told my kids that they will be in a stroller until they’re 18 for this very reason.
You can walk your stroller right up to the airplane door where it will be gate checked. This means that when you arrive at your destination, your stroller will be at the airplane door waiting for you. Here are my top travel strollers:
Depending on the age of your kids, you can’t go wrong with an umbrella stroller. They are inexpensive, easy to close up and light. They don’t, however, offer much support for younger passengers.

I am a huge bugaboo fan and this is another winner: light weight, compact, travel-sized, reversible and reclining seat with lots of space for luggage. Once again, Bugaboo leads the way in stroller innovation.

Silver Cross Jet Ultra Compact Stroller
This stroller is smooth and light and comes with both a baggage and rain cover. You can see how easy it is to handle on my latest segment of Cityline. It weighs 13lbs and is suitable from newborn up to toddlers of 40 lbs. It looks sharp too.

This stroller folds up to near flat and can be carried like a backpack. It meets all carry-on requirements on most trains, planes and automobiles. It has a UV 50+ extended canopy and a comfortable seat that reclines.

What’s your favourite travel stroller?