Five Tips for Pumping Moms
I have always struggled with feeding my babies either from lack of supply or my inability to produce anything but skim milk. I’ve used formula, donor milk and I have pumped. Sometimes all three at once. Regardless of my method, my boys have always been fed and when it comes to babies, fed is best.
Pumping is a great way to feed baby either exclusively or in tandem with breastfeeding. Women may exclusively pump because of a premature baby, infant or mother illness, problems with baby latching, poor weight gain, lack of milk, early introduction of the bottle or separation of mother and baby. For me, I always pumped to increase my milk supply, have spare milk in the freezer for when I was away from the baby, or to maintain a feeding schedule while on the go. In fact, pumping on the go has been key for me. A travel specific, compact pump like the Philips Avent Double Electric Breast Pump with a pumping belt and a rechargeable battery is essential for pumping on the go. I also enjoy this specific pump’s quiet motor. For anyone who has pumped before, you know the ‘moooo-ing’ sound a pump makes is soul crushing.
I have pumped in a car.
I have pumped in a bar.
I have pumped here and there
I have pumped everywhere.

So, while I say that no one is an expert on anything (there is always more to learn), I do have a few pumping tips:
- Set a Pumping Schedule + Pumping Ritual
Pumping when your baby would normally feed is ideal, so every 3ish hours. If you are trying to stockpile milk, pumping an hour or so just after you nurse often works. The morning is prime time for extra milk as your breasts are likely to be fuller in the AM.
Have a pre-pumping routine that you practice every time you express at the same times every day. This routine will give your body cues that it is time to start pumping. Perhaps you get a fresh glass of water or dim the lights or grab a snack. These cues can stimulate a let-down.
2. Find a Pump That Fits You
My oldest son uses the breast attachments as a trumpet and fun fact, they’re actually called flanges. Spend the time finding the right sized flanges for your breast and nipple size. A pump like the Philips Avent Double Electric Breast Pump adapts to the size and shape of the woman’s breast and nipple, encouraging quicker milk flow with natural motion technology. This is key as it more closely mimics a baby’s latch and provides a more comfortable pumping experience.
3. Know Your Storage Options
Frozen breast milk is liquid gold, my friend. Do not waste a drop. When it comes to storing milk, I recommend freezing milk in either breast milk storage bags or a reusable storage cup – any freezable container works well. With Philips Avent milk storage bags, I can write the amount of milk, date and I usually put the baby’s initials on them too. This is just in case I’m around other nursing mamas so that we know whose milk is whose. I also recommend storing milk in smaller portions. Imagine if baby needed a top up and you had to open another 4oz bag and baby only wants 1-2oz?!?!?!
4. Pump Both Breasts at Once if You Can
It’s been said that one can produce more milk when pumping both breasts at once. Although everyone is different, I personally have found it to be true. This is most likely due to the hormone prolactin being released by the pituitary gland when mothers pump simultaneously: Basically, more prolactin means more milk.
The Philips Avent Double Electric Breast Pump is perfect for pumping both breasts at once comfortably and proficiently without being hunched over. It is true: No one is more efficient than a busy Mum.
5. Clean Your Pump
Cleaning pumps is half the pumping session so be prepared! I know, I know (ugh) but do not skip this critical task. Babies can get an infection from unclean pumps so make sure all pump parts are fully washed with liquid soap and hot water between uses. The Phillips Avent Double Electric Breast Pump has minimal separate parts which makes the whole process a tad easier, and as new Mums, easier is highly recommended. If your baby is less than 3 months, born prematurely or has a weakened immune system, sanitize your pump parts daily.
Paid partnership with Philips Avent.