An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
I’m a city girl- an urbanite, if you will. I always have been. Don’t get me wrong- Not much tops a long, white, sandy beach and a sparkling coast line but there is something about a city that really excites me. A city buzzes with diversity; different people, storiesĀ and experiences all leaving their mark in one central place. Every city tells a story, exchanging and expanding ideas.Ā An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
When I lived in London, England, on my days off, I would visit the libraries, museums and art galleriesĀ – cultural metropolitan centres.Ā There is something about a city’s collageĀ of culture and history that connects an audience and an author. In every city that I visit, I like to journey through their artistic and intellectual hubsĀ to experience its soul. An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
Traveling with baby in tow, I have found that a library or museum is also an easy way to introduce a little one to the ideologies that make up a city or town. I like to pop my baby in his BugabooĀ Bee 5 and together, urban mama & baby, we explore the heart of a city, discovering something new. Like the concept of an Idea Exchange, the Bee 5 is innovative: always improving, expanding, pushing traditional boundaries. It is as ifĀ Bugaboo asked urbanites what they want in an urban stroller, took that feedback and created the ultimate city slicker,Ā stylish and versatile.Ā The Bee 5 is customizable, a reflection of its owner, their city and their life. And like a city, the canopy, seat and grips can be changed, characteristics adaptable to the ever changing flow and feel of any metropolis. An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
Recently, I was in my hometown of Cambridge, Ontario, a place that although I visit often, IĀ rarely explore. Since I left, Cambridge libraries and art galleries have been at the forefrontĀ of combining community and culture to create their uniqueĀ Idea Exchange:Ā curated programs, experiences and art that promote the type of societalĀ indulgence that truly makes a city memorable. They encourage ‘time well spent’ and yes, we spent our time well.Ā Ā An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
The Idea Exchange is dedicated to creating an environment of curiosity and discovery, meeting the lifelong learning, reading and creative needs of our community at 5 locations across the City of Cambridge. Enjoy free access to library materials and services, online databases and courses, and a variety of programs, events and art exhibitions. Discovery happens at every age and we invite you to join us.Ā Ā An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
I love this idea. I love that a city is inviting me and my son to experience something new and deep, challenging us to understand Cambridge, its history and the thriving passions that move it forward. Through local art and photography, hands on early exploration for children, educational support and literary conversation, this city is pushing people to think differently. Cambridge wants you to leave your own mark on their city. So this week, my son and I visited our favourite Cambridge libraries and did just that. We enjoyedĀ stories and songs, discovered pictures and hands-on exhibits and truly got to know what makes Cambridge the beautiful, multifaceted city that it is.Ā Ā An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
Being able to dive into theĀ local history, culture and ideologies that create a city is why I love to travel. The many components that create the concept ofĀ Idea Exchange is why I love visiting cities.Ā Ā An ‘Idea Exchange’ Is What Makes a City
We live in cambridge haha I saw this post pic and I was like there is a queens square idea exchange in toronto? Love your blog girl!
hahaha! There is not- Cambridge only! And I love it! Thanks for the blog love!