A travel expert (and mom)’s guide to smooth vacation planning with kids
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A travel expert (and mom)’s guide to smooth vacation planning with kids

As seen on Breakfast Television

I discuss tips for nailing your summer vacation with the kids.

How To Nail Summer Vacation with the Kids

Give your kids some ownership

·      Get them involved in decision making

·      Do some research before you go

·      Have them decide what they want to see and why

Build a LOOSE itinerary

·      Pre-book tours and excursions – things will get busy over the summer, and you don’t want to be disappointed.

·      Knowing where you want to be when will alleviate some stress and minimize hiccups on the road

Connect with your Hotel/Air Bnb

·      Find out what gear they have on-site so you don’t overpack

·      This will also help you be clear on their child offerings so you don’t have any unfounded expectations when you arrive

Pack Light

·      Don’t bring more than you need

·      Use lists! They are very handy when planning travel

Be prepared to be flexible

·      Everything will take longer than you think

·      Kids will tantrum, pee their pants, get car sick and everything else that you haven’t thought of

·      Be okay with taking your time- you’re on vacation

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